Communication often refers to interactions in which the partners face each other directly and exchange ideas: Meetings, phone calls or other conversations. Until a few years ago, you had to pay attention to gestures and facial expressions.
In addition to the usual forms of communication, fax was also a popular medium for communicating important matters for a long time. But hand on heart: how often do companies still use a fax machine these days? Contracts, offers etc. are now almost always sent digitally.
So a lot of things are now done by e-mail, for example. This tool has become an indispensable means of communication. But the possibilities are constantly evolving to modernize digital communication in a company even more. Chatbots, social media and entire platforms for (customer) communication speak for themselves.
WhatsApp Business, Facebook Messenger, Slack, Office 365, Skype, Xing, LinkedIn - all of these communication tools and services have now become common methods of communicating with customers or business partners.
The opportunities for interaction in this area are constantly increasing and are also changing language. The "digital language" is characterized by abbreviations such as "asap" (as soon as possible) or "emojis."
In addition, great importance is attached to simple and concise language - in times of sensory overload and countless advertisements, less is often more.
Digital communication makes everyday business life much easier. This makes everyday life more flexible and speeds up work processes. Online meetings and video conferences enable virtual meetings and are an important factor in time management, which is becoming increasingly important and at the same time more difficult.
Auch KI-Anwendungen (Künstliche Intelligenz bzw. engl. “Artificial Intelligence”; AI) werden für die Marketingautomatisierung und gezielte Steigerung der Kundenzufriedenheit immer beliebter. KI kann dabei helfen, Aufgaben wie Datenanalyse, Segmentierung und Personalisierung zu automatisieren, um hochgradig zielgerichtete Inhalte zu erstellen, die die Klickraten und die Konversionsrate erhöhen können.
KI macht es auch einfacher, hochpersonalisierte Erlebnisse zu schaffen, die die individuellen Bedürfnisse der Kunden effizienter erfüllen. Letztlich machen diese Technologien es effizienter, der Kundschaft das bestmögliche Erlebnis zu bieten.
Unternehmen kann es beispielsweise mit KI-gestützten Apps und modernen Tools leichter fallen, den zahlreichen verschiedenen Bedürfnissen von Neukunden und Neukundinnen sowie der eigenen Stammkundschaft gerecht zu werden.
In summary, it can be said that today's communication must be simple and flexible. In addition, efficient, digitally supported communication saves a considerable amount of time and increases efficiency in everyday office life. The result is independence in terms of time and location.
This inevitably results in more and more virtual and intercultural teams that can work together, which in turn brings with it new challenges.
In our blog article "How to reach your customers quickly, easily and efficiently on your smartphone", you can find out more about the digital transformation and the direct communication channel to your customers.